Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why Grilling is Great

There are many reasons why it grilling is a great way to cook. First off it's healthy because it adds little fat or oils to your foods. Also many vegetables grill-up wonderfully so  kids who normally turn their nose up to veggies might actually try some. Grilled fruit can make a delicious yet healthy dessert. Steaks, burgers and hot dogs seem to be typical grilling staples but lighter meats like lean pork, fish,chicken and turkey breast grill up great as well.
During the summer heat it keeps the house from getting heated by your oven or stove, which in turn saves money on the energy that is needed to run the A/C or a fan.
Grilling is usually quick and easy and if you make foil packets you can put them together earlier in the day and just toss them on the grill when it's time to cook. Also tools like a a grill basket or a grill pan (a pan that has holes in it that is made for using on the grill) can help you break out of the box of "normal" grill fare by allowing you to stir fry or cook small pieces of meat and vegetables.
Kids love to cook and prepping food for the grill is a fantastic way to get them involved. Also many grilled meals can easily be personalized for all tastes. When making shish-ka-bobs or foil packets have a variety of ingredients available and let everyone assemble their own using their favorites.
Also,the only time many husbands cook is when it's on the grill. I discovered this quite by accident the summer my second child was born. My oldest was only 18 months when her sister was born at the end of June. As most moms know there are some days when you just don't want to or just don't have the energy or mental capacity cook,especially with a brand new baby and toddler to care for. It didn't take me long to learn whenever I took the food out to the grill my husband was there taking it out of my arms. So I started saving the grilled meals for those days described above. It also didn't take long for my husband to figure out what I was doing but he appreciated that I had him cook the way he enjoyed when I wanted a hand with dinner.

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