Me and my sons |
Also throughout my marriage I worked at daycare centers or babysat in my home. So, one would think with all my childcare experience I would be the perfect mom and homemaker. But that is hardly the case. First off, it was amazing to me how much technology has changed in the eleven and half gap between my two sets of kids. Every baby item now takes batteries, plays music and vibrates, or so it seems. Also, science has changes a lot too. Things I was told NEVER to eat when I was pregnant with my girls I was told TO eat those same foods while pregnant with my boys. The reverse is also true.
So, while I have my moments when I look at the people my kids are becoming and realize I have at least a bit of this parenting thing down, there are also days when I really feel like a lost brand new mom. And that is the long answer to why I started my blog. I wanted to share the knowledge and experience I have parenting with other moms and learn some new things from them along the way. I hope you enjoy your time here, learn something new or interesting and feel welcome to put in your own two cents.