Monday, July 12, 2010

Welcome to Wiki Mom

I would like you to join me as I share my ideas, triumphs and mistakes as a stay at home mom of four. I am by no means an expert or the perfect mom.I am just a lady who loves God, her husband and her kids.

I have a somewhat interesting perspective to motherhood because I have two teenage daughters 18 months apart and two toddler/preschooler sons two years apart. Yes they they are all the from the same father/husband but God chose to give us 2 "sets" kids almost 12 years apart. I was 20 when my oldest daughter was born and 33 when my oldest son was born so I have been the young mom and now I am one of the older moms. I am a mom of teenagers so I am currently going through milestones like driving and dating. Yet I am a mom of little ones so at the same time I am going through challenges like baby proofing, potty training, picky eaters and understanding "kid-speak."

Please check the tabs above. Each one contains themed articles. I am trying to do a different theme each day and I am putting all the articles from one day on it'sown page for easier access.

I invite to share your stories and your comments. If you have a related blog post feel free to add a link or link my blog back to yours.


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