Wow it has been a long time since I have written anything on this blog. However, it has not been "out of sight out of mind for me." Yes, Christmas and the first of the year were extremely busy. But as the holidays passed I did think a lot about my blog and often I would get an idea to write about. However, there were many excuses and negative voices (my own voice not my family or friends they are very supportive) that prevented me from just doing it.
One major excuse was not having time and forgetting my ideas when I do have the time. I would come up with ideas while in the shower, driving the car or cooking dinner and could not go to the computer right then. When I did have free time on the computer I would forget what I wanted to write or that I even had something to write in the first place. Yes, I am what you may call ADHD, a multi-tasker or a SHE (Sidetracked Home Executive). My mind is always going a million miles per hour and I easily jump from one thing to another. Now, I am taking the time to jot notes when I get the idea- or at least when I can safely write. Don't worry I won't be writing as I drive down the highway. And no, I don't have a waterproof notebook in my shower but if I did the world may be in trouble.
Another main excuse was I didn't have the "right" photos or logos or whatever I needed to make each article look professional and polished. I would think "I could write _____ but wait what kind of graphic could I have with it?" Or "Do I really want to spent all that time coming up with a graphic for such a small article?"
Well, since mid February I have been slowly taking baby steps in reclaiming my home from CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) by re-starting the Flylady plan. One of the points she makes is not letting perfectionism stop us from cleaning our house or doing other things we want. For those of you not like this, it may sound super strange. I mean you would think a perfectionist would have a perfectly clean house and do anything they thought of doing. Well for born organized perfectionists this may be true, but for SHEs like me it is quite opposite. The idea of doing something wrong or imperfect is so crippling that the task gets left undone. But fear not, I am learning that you cannot climb stairs until you take the first step and you don't have to see the end of the staircase to take the first step. (The second part is a paraphrase from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) Flylady likes to say that "even house keeping done incorrectly can bless your house." This does not mean to just do it half baked and think "eh... good enough." It means not to let concerns of doing something the "correct" way or trying to do things the way your mother or mother-in-law or whoever else would do it keep you from doing it the way you can.
I have taken this way of thinking on as I think about my blog. So, it may not always looks super polished and have perfect graphics but the content may actually help or encourage someone and that's the point. Also, lets face it, I don't have a whole lot of readers and of the readers I do have 99 percent of you are either my friends or family and you know me well enough not to expect perfection. I doubt I will every make one penny on this blog. If the time comes that I actually do I will have probably learned quite a few things about producing a great looking blog.
So, if you my, dear readers, are willing to try again I am back on the saddle again. Many of the ideas I have are discussion questions or topics so please feel free to leave a comment below of on the FB page.
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