Friday, August 20, 2010

The Dreaded Hamster Wheel

Somehow, although I didn't see it, I stepped into the giant hamster wheel of housework and stress and can't escape. I feel like George Jetson "Hey Jane! Stop this crazy thing!"

It's not just the dishes, laundry and cooking that as soon as they are completed it's time to start again- that I can handle. It's the picking the same toys up everyday, several times a day. It's the vacuuming the floor only to turn around and see the baby following behind with an opened, upside down box a cereal he found in the pantry. It's the picking up two toys  only to have the kids take out three more.

Don't get me wrong I adore my kids and I am so blessed to have them. Yet the timing of my children- two sets of kids 12 years apart- is not always great for my sanity. Although the toddler years are my favorite, they certainly have their stresses, especially when trying to maintain a somewhat clean environment.

I finally had the toddler years behind me. Life was comfortable and natural. The girls were old enough and responsible enough to clean up after themselves and to be helpful. We no longer needed a baby-proof home. In fact when we moved into this house they were four and six so it wasn't necessary.

Things were by no means perfect. The house looked lived in, not a show house but any standards, but that's OK. Yet when I cracked down to thoroughly clean, it actually got clean. It was good! Then BAM-O! Enter two little boys... need I say more?

I know as they they get older, it will get better. I know these are precious times and I don't want to miss them because I'm cleaning. Yet at the same time a certain amount of cleanliness must be maintained to avoid health issues. So I am wondering how do you stay off the hamster wheel? How do you keep things sane with little ones in the house? Please share your ideas or links in the comments.

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